Finale of the As We Know It Series

~ Published May 11, 2022 ~

IT’S DONE! I can’t believe I finished the final book in my As We Know It series.

First, I must tell you it was bittersweet. I’ve spent a lot of time with the survivors at Whitaker Estate. I’ve grown to know and love them. Of course, Dillon and Skylar, but the secondary characters have also found their way into my heart. A little secret, Cynthia happens to be my favorite. I didn’t plan it that way. It just happened. Shh, don’t tell my other characters.

I love apocalyptic books. One of my all-time favorites, and the reason I wrote this series, is The Stand by Stephen King. I can still remember the tunnel scene and how I felt reading it. I kept thinking, how would I react if I were in that situation? This question was always on my mind while I wrote my series.

I’ve had readers tell me that they aren’t into dystopian or apocalyptic books, but I think you might find this series a little different. Many readers of dystopian fiction want more about the weapons, battles, and the science behind the extinction level event. If that is what you are looking for, you won’t find a lot of that in my series.

As I’ve mentioned before, I am a social worker with a master’s degree in sociology. I am most interested in the human aspect of the event. How do people cope? How do they build a new society and start over?

Even though apocalyptic books, movies, and television shows are some of my favorites, I find that I sometimes lose interest over time. I absolutely loved the beginning of The Walking Dead and The 100, but my attention waned when it became one battle after another. For this reason, I’ve focused more of my attention on how the group attempts to build a new society. A better one.

I hope you enjoy reading my trilogy as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I have fulfilled a promise to myself all those years ago when I read The Stand and said, one day I will write my own.

This is the end of the series…for now. Who knows, maybe a few years from now the characters might come knocking at my door, demanding that I tell more of their story. But, for now thanks for being on this journey with them.